Trapezectomy Surgery

Removal of the trapezium bone is a well tried and tested procedure for thumb base arthritis. Joint replacements have been tried, but I (and many other members of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand) remain unconvinced that they are any better than this operation which Hand Surgeons have been doing since the 1950s with good results. It is usually done under General Anaesthetic as a day case. The hand is in a bandage until about two weeks.

Steroid injections are a good way of lessening symptoms for a few months. This allows surgery to be postponed until a more convenient time.

Splints can be helpful, and some are available commercially, or a Hand Therapist can make a bespoke one for you.

After surgery patients need the help of a Hand Therapist for a couple of months as range and power is regained. The hand should look normal and work normally afterwards, with good pinch strength and minimal or no pain.


Trigger Finger Surgery


Mark Phillips Introduction